Lil’ Dragons

(6 and Below)

Our Lil’ Dragons program is specially designed for younger learners aged 4-6! It’s the perfect way to build essential life skills like focus, social interaction, awareness, and confidence in a structured and engaging environment. Through exciting drills and basic Taekwondo movements, your child will develop physically, improving balance and coordination. Our emphasis on discipline and foundational skills will set them up for a seamless transition into our Beginner’s Classes. They’ll be well-prepared with the skills and confidence needed for their martial arts journey!

Beginner Class

(White-Purple Belt)

Our Beginner Classes are open to students of all ages! At CBTA, we believe in setting strong foundations in Taekwondo. Our experienced instructors go beyond just martial arts techniques - they instill core values like respect and responsibility from day one. These principles empower our students to excel not just in Taekwondo but in life as well. In every class, expect a dynamic blend of warm-ups, skill-building, and mental focus.

Intermediate Class

(Blue-Tip to Brown Belt)

When students achieve their Blue-Tip Belt (typically after 12-18 months), they are eligible to move up to our Intermediate Children’s Class. By this stage, they have acquired a strong foundation in Taekwondo which prepares them for the next phase of their training. In the Intermediate class, students will delve into more advanced aspects of Taekwondo by refining their kicks, enhancing their hand techniques, and perfecting stances. Our dedicated instructors will challenge them further by incorporating stretching routines and fine-tuning their techniques for precision.

During this phase of their journey, students may encounter instances where they need to put in extra effort and practice. This could include being held back from belt exams or, in some cases, not passing them. These experiences are valuable in motivating students to continually improve and excel in their martial arts training.

Advanced Class

(Red-Tip to Recommended B/B)

As students progress to their Red-Tip Belt (typically within 24-36 months), they transition to the Advanced Class. In this class, we instill a sense of self-discipline and practice. Our experienced instructors encourage and dedication and consistency by ensuring home practice. We see martial arts as a transformative journey, and this class reflects our commitment to personal growth. 

The Advanced Class elevates expectations for overall health and fitness. It’s here that students delve into Olympic Sport Sparring, mastering techniques and self-defense with proper gear. They also begin home running and biking to prepare for the Black Belt test. This stage emphasizes physical fitness, skill improvement, and responsibility. 

These skills and values are essential as students approach the 6 month Black Belt test, a significant milestone. Our goal is to help them achieve this important goal with confidence and success.

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